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Mar 8, 2024
3 mins read

8 Tips for Reading a Teleprompter Like a Pro

Reading from a teleprompter like a pro requires a blend of art and technique. Whether you’re delivering a keynote speech, presenting a report, engaging in public speaking, or recording a video, mastering the teleprompter can dramatically elevate the quality of your communication. This device, also known as a prompter, displays a rolling script or cues directly in the speaker’s line of sight, enabling them to read word-for-word while maintaining eye contact with the audience. In today’s tech-driven landscape, the integration of software and apps has further simplified the use of teleprompters, making them accessible for a wide range of applications.

Here are 8 essential tips for mastering the teleprompter and ensuring your next presentation is impactful, seamless, and engaging.

1. Familiarize Yourself with the Text

Before standing in front of the camera or audience, invest time in becoming thoroughly familiar with your script. Understand the flow, nuances, and key points of your speech. This not only helps in delivering the content more naturally but also prepares you for any technical glitches that may require you to continue without the prompter.

2. Practice with the Teleprompter Software or App

Familiarize yourself with the teleprompter software or app you’ll be using. Different programs offer various features like speed adjustment, font size changes, and remote control operation. Practicing with the specific software before your presentation will help you get comfortable with its functionality and enable you to manage your reading speed and fluency more effectively.

3. Adjust the Prompter Settings to Suit Your Style

Not everyone reads at the same pace, so adjust the scroll speed of the teleprompter to match your natural speaking rhythm. This might require several practice runs to get right. The font size is equally important; it should be large enough to read comfortably from a distance without causing you to squint, which could hinder your ability to maintain natural eye contact with your audience.

4. Maintain Natural Eye Contact

The key to effectively using a teleprompter is to maintain the illusion of spontaneity. This means you should avoid staring fixedly at the prompter. Practice shifting your gaze as if you’re engaging with different members of your audience. This will make your delivery seem more natural and less scripted, fostering a stronger connection with your audience.

5. Work on Your Pacing

Your delivery should not feel rushed or overly slow. Work on finding a pacing that feels comfortable for you and is appropriate for your content. Pay attention to punctuation marks in your script, as they are crucial cues for pausing. Effective pacing will make your speech more compelling and ensure that your audience can easily follow along.

6. Incorporate Natural Gestures

Gesturing can help punctuate your speech and keep your audience engaged. However, when reading from a teleprompter, there’s a risk of becoming too stationary. Practice using natural gestures that complement your message, remembering to keep them smooth and controlled to avoid distracting from your words.

7. Ensure Seamless Recovery from Mistakes

Even the most seasoned professionals can make mistakes while reading from a teleprompter. The key is in the recovery. If you stumble, simply pause for a moment, regain your composure, and continue. Avoid drawing attention to the error, as this can disrupt the flow of your presentation and affect your confidence.

8. Use Technology to Your Advantage

With the advent of sophisticated teleprompter apps and programs, it’s easier to apply the above tips with greater efficiency. Many apps allow for real-time adjustments and even remote control, giving you or your team the power to manage your presentation dynamically. Leverage these tools to customize your teleprompter experience to your unique speaking style and presentation needs.


Mastering the teleprompter is a skill that enhances your effectiveness as a speaker or presenter. By becoming familiar with your script, working closely with your teleprompter’s software or app, and maintaining a natural and engaging delivery style, you can communicate your message more confidently and persuasively. Remember, the goal is not just to read from the teleprompter but to connect authentically with your audience, turning your speech or presentation into a memorable experience for all involved.